• "John has an incredible gift... teaching the art of singing."
    Mai Bloomfield
  • "John has a way of explaining vocal technique that really makes sense to me. He is patient and encouraging."
    Sara Bareilles
  • "Ive experienced a very noticeable improvement in vocal ability as a result of taking lessons with John."
    Jeremy White
  • "John Deaver rocks and he rolls! I give him all the credit for making me the singer I am today!"
    Ruby James
John Deaver, Vocal Teacher Los Angeles

Study with John


Are you ready to sing with confidence?
No matter what style you sing in, whether it's Pop, Rock, Jazz, Opera or R & B, John can help you maximize your natural ability! John's training, called The Complete Vocalist Method, will allow you to reach new levels of control, range and power. If you know you have vocal potential you haven't yet reached, call John today!

John Deaver, The Complete Vocalist Method

To book a lesson with John or to book studio time:

Call: (818) 985-3511
Email: vocalcoach1@gmail.com


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